Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Awake workers are productive workers

Saudi people by nature are nocturnal.
People stay up till the wee hours of the morning and it’s normal.
Official working hours start at 8:00 AM
School starts 7:30 AM
Morning prayers are at 5:00 AM
Workers, students, teachers, Government and Private eyes.
At 12 prayer time. Break from 1-4. At 4 prayer time. At 6 prayer time at 8 prayer time.
No wonder Saudization is a nightmare.
No wonder no one is around when you need them.
No one ever sleeps.
When they're half awake they are praying or preparing for prayer.
No one can focus on anything.
I wonder if that has something to do with the mortality rate around here.

I should write to the King.

Some things are just painfully obvious.


Lamya said...

I love your blog. Thank you for speaking out. On the topic:And that of course is why expats are required, who go to bed at a reasonable hour. So SOMETHING can get done.Saudiasation? hmmm..

Badawiya said...

thanks lamya :) urs

Nouph said...

interesting blog, interesting thoughts.. keep em flowing ;)

***DIANA*** said...

really unbelievable...