Thursday, December 14, 2006

From That Woman: Saudi Men I

Last night as two gorgeous women were sitting on the sofa in front of me, with one of them saying artistically how culturally challenged she was , and the other one in a " Mute" period, since her wedding was coming up soon; I happened to think of many things.

Men sometimes become an integral part of our lives, it might be right, and it might be wrong. What I was thinking about was; until what extent do we allow ourselves to compromise to make these men happy and "Emotionally Satisfied"?
It might be that Arabian Hot Blood in our men, that makes them just burn from inside thinking that we actually do have a past, we did talk to men, we did date other men, and that actually made us who we are today. For most of our Saudi men, and actually all the Society, this is not acceptable, and this might actually make him change his mind about marrying or proposing to the woman he likes or loves.

For our mothers, what they really believe in, is that a woman should be an ordinary woman. Women shouldn't fight to do things men should do, they shouldn't advance in their career or even earn a higher degree. The Mothers are simply worried, since this might actually threaten the entity of that potential future groom.

I know that there should be a red line to the end of compromising, the compromising that we woman selectively and intentionally can give to the man. Compromising is integral, but where should compromising end? Because we never want to be another woman or that woman he has planned already for us to be.

* There are always exceptions but they are rare.

1 comment:

ghoweljlsfqwef said...

Why don't you guys update this blog more often?