Thursday, May 17, 2007

Saudi: My heaven and hell

Question: Would you live in a place where it’s either extremely good in terms of quality of life, security, career, money etc. Yet extremely bad in terms of well.. being Saudi Arabia?
Yes you can make your own life and have your own lifestyle but your family remains the same, the culture remains the . You can’t –not socialize with the people you don’t want to because well.. they are part of this world and they are unfortunately the majority.


would you rather live in a place where you don’t get all you want? You struggle, you work, you miss the people who are dear to you and you miss out on all the career and money opportunities that surround you.

Please don’t talk religion. I have been better in that department everywhere else but here.

What can you live with? What can you live without?

I come and go like the wind. I retreat and lick my wounds to come back and try again. I learn something good but I learn something bad . One day I love it and the next just makes me want to give up on this place. I still can’t see where I’ll be settling down.

Only the Sith deals in extremes. Then again, extreme is in the eye of the beholder


Trevelyana said...

Hey hun,
god I wish I knew the answer to that, I woulda saved myself a whole lot of trouble and heartache.
Reality is, you need them both.. and until they invent a way to be two places at once, you'll just have to shuffle back and forth. It sucks, but it's the closest you'll get to the best of both worlds.

Good to have ya back!

Lamya said...

I choose to miss the ones i held dear and the rest?Well i scandalise the clan enough when i come to visit:) and thats all i'll be doing,visit.:)

That Woman said...

Love the thoughts, Been there too.. I choose to work my life through, I choose to try things by myself, and I choose to be alone but in love..

Hope all is well with you... I am having trouble writing..