Saturday, March 20, 2010

the saudi song drama

ever noticed how saudi songs are miserable?
ظلم, هجر, عدم تقدير, صبر, عذاب, فراق, خيانة, حقي و حقك علي و علبك؟
and if that is not the theme it would go something like this..
دموع, قدر, مو بيدنا, ذكراك, الم, نسيان, ما عندى مانع انه انتهينا , اوريك, ندم
the funny thing is that it starts like this...
ابغاك, اسمك في قلبي, صورتك في خيالي, احبك, طلتك, عطرك, لقاءو شوق,
It is like the way they live Islam
يا إما تعصب و "هذا هو المفروض أو واقع الحياة " زي نكد الزواج أو انحلال تام زي لحظات م عليه "الحلوة" المؤقتةزي كل قصص و أغاني الحب السعيدة النادرة والمحكوم عليه من قبل ان يبدأ بلإنتهاء.
who wants to live this drama and this stupid kind of love?
only saudis and people who don't know what real love is..
تفاهم, التزام, تقدير و احترام على طول, عائلة. نمو, كبر, ابدي في الأصل وليس عكس ذلك.
but the way it is in our lives ( our saudi lives ) is that it is just a phase.
the phase starts and ends .. maybe with the same person. maybe with other people. but there is no real love and real commitment and friendship.
there is no friendship in saudi love.
they want to believe that they are all truthful and loved with all their hearts
but how can you love with all your heart when you are ok with seperating in the end?
\i don't get it
may God bless us with people who know what love is and not make us live in this up and down miserable life where guess what...?
the woman is always the one who is making everything miserable

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